Acupuncture is a method of treatment that involves the insertion of thin, sterile, metal needles at various locations on the body in order to stimulate specific points called acupuncture points.
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture is a targeted method of treatment that involves the gentle placement of small, sterile, metal needles in specific acupuncture points on each ear.
Our treatments will not only revitalize the look and feel of your face, but will harmonize your mind, body and spirit so that you can look and feel your best in the days and years to come
Cupping is a method of treatment that uses suction cups to gently stretch the skin, fascia and layers of muscle.
Guasha is a method of treatment that involves the gentle scraping across various parts of the body with a smooth edged tool.
Moxibustion, more commonly referred to as moxa, is a form of heat therapy.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of medicine that views health as a state of internal balance between mind and body.
Virtual Health Coaching
One-on-one virtual Health Coaching sessions can be scheduled via phone or video chat.