Individual Wellness


Individual wellness is about more than being free from illness. It is about living a fulfilling life by finding a way to balance what life demands from us without neglecting ourselves…

“Live your life fully and as authentically as you can.” Mary Saunders, Rhythms of Change

Living a balanced life and maintaining personal health and wellness can be challenging. With so much to do and limited time and resources, we may often feel forced to neglect ourselves. Work deadlines, financial obligations, family commitments; the list seems never ending.

The airline industry got it right when they suggested passengers put their own oxygen masks on first. If you are unable to breathe you cannot help yourself or anyone else. The same is true for every day life. If you continue to neglect your own health and wellness, you may not be able to succeed at all the other roles and responsibilities you have been trying to prioritize. By taking care of yourself, you are investing in your future.

My Balanced Life can help you navigate this dynamic process by learning to listen to your own body, gather useful information, and make choices that are right for you. We have the necessary experience and expertise to help you find your inner balance. Our wellness seminars and resource page can help you manage the things within your control, and our therapeutic treatments can help you with things that may currently be beyond your control.

Reach out to your employer and see what benefits packages and corporate wellness programs might currently be available to you, and contact us to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to see how we can help.