Massage Therapy


Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissue structures of the body…

It can be beneficial to treat, prevent and manage a variety of health concerns, such as alleviating pain and stress symptoms, chronic muscle strain resulting from postural fatigue, or that 'kink in your neck' because you slept funny.

Specifically, massage therapy is a wonderful tool in helping to support folks who spend a lot of time in front of a computer. We can use a variety of traditional Swedish massage techniques such as deep-tissue work, myofascial release, trigger point therapy and hydrotherapy as well as others to reduce areas of tension caused by postural fatigue, open up rounded shoulders, and decrease tightness in neck muscles from habitual leaning forward.

However, beyond just considering your physical body, we prefer to apply an integrative view. Research has shed more light on the complexities of mediating pain. We can all agree that touch is therapeutic, but maybe not solely for the reasons we once thought. There is a strong mind-body connection (a.k.a. the nervous system) that shouldn’t be ignored. By keeping an open dialogue, listening to both your words and your body’s responses and teaching body awareness, we believe that we can help to manage your stress and pain more effectively.Practitioners heat the herb mugwart, either directly on or near the skin, in order to heat various points on the body.


Contact us to find out more or book your Massage Therapy treatment today.